Sign of the Times by Susan Buchanan
Released 16th March 2012
Paperback 373 pages
Publisher Self Published
Rating 3/5
Source Sent a copy by Susan.
people. Twelve star signs.
Sagittarius - Holly, a travel writer, visits Tuscany to research her next book.
Seeking help when her car breaks down, she gets more than assistance when
Dario, a vineyard owner, puts temptation in her path. Disappearing without
explanation, he proves elusive. Bruised, Holly tries to put it behind her until
a chance encounter brings her feelings to the surface again.
Capricorn – Holly’s fiancĂ©, Tom misses her while she is in Italy and turns to
an internet chat room for solace. His construction business is under threat,
but could foul play be at work?
Gemini - Holly’s sister, Lucy, a serial man-eater finally meets her match,
which puts her long-term relationship and career in jeopardy. Cheating she
discovers, can have devastating consequences.
Libra - Holly’s uncle Jack, an eminent prosecutor, juggles a difficult teenage
son with his high profile career and finds himself lacking. When his son’s
school work starts slipping, he decides he needs to take control, but it’s not
long before the balls all come tumbling down and Jack finds his family on the
wrong side of the law.
One event binds them all…
My thoughts...
I hadn't heard of Susan Buchanan until she contacted me via Twitter
asking if she could send me a copy of her book – of course I accepted! I didn't know a whole lot about the book or Susan’s history, so I just got myself stuck
into the book with no expectations.
This is a hard review for me to write, I Susan a great deal for her hard
work and determination – however I always promised myself that I would review
all books honestly and for me this book really didn’t work.
At first, I loved the idea of this story – being told by 12 different
people, with different star signs, different personalities and different
outlooks on life. It was a new idea, and rather adventurous, but a really
interesting idea.
However, in reality I found that there were far too many characters for
the story – along with the 12 main characters; you have their family and
friends which added far too many complications to it. The first chapter focused
on Holly and then it was Tom, followed by Maggie, Jennifer and Ben and then you
had Oscar, then Lucy and Carl, then Maria, then Antonia and Jack and finally
Each of the characters fit together somehow – a bit like in Love
Actually. Holly and Tom are engaged, Lucy is Holly’s sister and lives with
Carl. Jennifer is friends with Holly, as well as Maggie and is girlfriend to
Ben. Antonia is another friend of Holly’s and is married to Jack who is going
into business with Oscar. Maria is Holly’s book launched and wedding planner
and Czeslawa works for her.
Along with all of these you have various wife’s, ex-wife’s, children,
brothers, sisters, husbands, mothers, fathers, neighbours, employees, friends,
colleagues, a mistress, hotel owners and her children, and so many others.
Each chapter focuses on one particular character and looks at what is
going on in their life at a particular moment. I really liked reading the story
from each characters viewpoint and you really got to see this when Maggie and
Jennifer went away from the weekend and Jennifer met Ben. You got to see how
Jennifer felt for Ben and him for her, plus the outsiders perspective.
Aside from the volume of characters, another aspect of the book that
really confused me was the timeline – each new character started at a different
point in time and you never really knew where you were with the story. I found
the narrative particular confusing when Antoina’s chapter ended with a police officer
arriving at her door to discuss her son and with Jack working on a case about
an illegal immigrant. Then Jack’s chapter started several months/weeks earlier with
him working on a completely different case with Felix booking their family
holiday. His did eventually reach the dinner party and I did find out why the
police officer was there, but in getting to that it took a lot to figure out
exactly where in time you were.
As for the
ending, for me there were a lot of loose ends and those that had been tied up
were done in a rush. Lucy’s chapter ended with her seemingly in a car accident,
in the final chapter the aftermath of this was explained but I felt it was skimmed
over. The same with Anotina, Jack and Felix’s situation, the fallout from the
police visit was cover over a few sentences. I would have likes to have
followed the characters through each of their situations as opposed to briefly
touching on it. Yes, it would have made the book longer, but it would have made
the story more complete.
I know I
sound very negative in this review and I really don’t want to, because aside
for the points above, this really is a lovely story. With a view finishing
touches or even a second book, the story could be rounded off with all
characters getting the ending that they deserve. I think Susan was very adventurous
with this story, and maybe she didn't pull it off but, credit where it is due,
she did a very good job in trying. As her debut novel, I am looking forward to
seeing her develop with her forthcoming projects.
If you are
a fan of the film Love Actually, this will definitely appeal to you.
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